Dabei bemerkt Hopper, dass Will ihnen unauffällig eine Nachricht via Morse-Code übermittelt und sie auf die Art auffordert, das Tor im Labor zu schließen.
Gerade als Elfi im Begriff ist, sich an ihm dafür zu rächen, dass er den Verstand ihrer Mutter mittels Elektroschocks zerstört hat, erfährt sie, dass er Familienvater ist und zwei kleine Töchter hat. At the hospital, Max and the others were forced to stay behind in a waiting room while Nancy and Jonathan had gone to see Doris. Chapter 51: The Party is part of the popular kids crowd.

Endlich können ihre Eltern die sinnlose Suche beenden und ihre Tochter beerdigen. Steve, Dustin, Robin und Erica gelangen in den Lagerraum der Russen, der sich als Fahrstuhl entpuppt und sie weit in den Untergrund führt, wo die Russen ihre Experimente durchführen. These would have helped a ton. Max especially doesn't like it when when Neil calls her Maxine and Max doesn't even consider Neil her father at all.

Währenddessen bildet sich aus allen Mindflayer-Zombies ein riesiges Monster, das sich dem Jahrmarkt zum Unabhängigkeitstag nähert.

Billy greift Elfi an, diese kann ihn aber mit Erinnerungen an seine Mutter und seine glückliche Kindheit besänftigen, woraufhin er sich dem Monster in den Weg stellt. Dieser versteckt Elfi inzwischen seit einem Jahr in der alten Jagdhütte seines Großvaters.

Mindflayer-Billy hält sie dann aber in seinem Verstand fest und droht damit, sie und all ihre Freunde umzubringen. This article or section is currently under construction, being reformatted, or undergoing a vast revision. In 1985, Mike and Max are shown to be on friendly terms with each other, as Max was treated like an equal member of the Party by Mike. She becomes skeptical of them when they tried to explain they were just concerned for her so they wouldn't see her get bullied and when Dustin demonstrated his Ghostbusters' ghost trap to her. It would be pretty hard to logically save her character in the future without doing a full 180 with her.Just out of curiosity, which characters did you think were worse than her?I’d love to berate Max’s character like that, I have a lot worse to say, it’s just you have to be really nice and put things into baby terms if you don’t want reddit to freak outI didn’t see anybody complaining last season when El, Mike and Dustin and Billy were all shit to Max for childish reasons, in fact they were “completely justified” flash forward a season and not because Max gives people who didn’t even want her around a taste of their own medicine like she’s something for them to use, she’s a bitch?She annoyed the hell out of me in season 2 but yeah she seemed angry as hell throughout the season 3. She teases the boys but isn’t malicious about it. It was a lot of game teaching which is unfortunate.I actually didn’t mind Erica. According to Max, Nate had been her best friend since they were six. She’s just an asshole no matter what.They really just had her be a terrible person the whole movie and also not redeem herself once... 0 character development the entire season.

Her distrustful demeanor made her skeptical, and she often had a hard time believing the strange events that occurred in her new town.

Hopper macht unter den Kürbis-Feldern eine weitere erschreckende Entdeckung: Die andere Seite hat sich von dem Labor aus in einem unterirdischen Tunnelsystem unter dem Boden von Hawkins ausgebreitet.

He was often known to her for his practical and casual approach, allowing her to watch movies that weren't exactly age appropriate and even taking her to watch races at the racetrack, while also teaching her how to drive his Impala. While trying to get in touch with the Scoops Troop for emergency transportation, they realized they could use the ignition cable from the car El had thrown before. Sie tut es und Hopper ist verschwunden. Die Clique der Außenseiter nutzt Elfis telepathische Fähigkeiten, um ihr nächstes Opfer zu finden.

Dustin und Steve erkennen, dass das Auftauchen der Russen in Hawkins mit der Starcourt Mall in Verbindung steht.

Nancy, Jonathan, and the remaining Party members would seek shelter at Murray’s warehouse in Illinois.

Die Vorbereitungen für Halloween laufen in Hawkins auf Hochtouren, als Hopper über seltsame Vorfälle auf Kürbis-Feldern informiert wird.

Ihr weiteres Dasein in einer anderen Dimension ist also anzunehmen. He had a step sister that kept acting up and not caring that he had to deal with his dad. Doch auch Dustin hat im Camp ein Mädchen kennengelernt: Suzie. Oktober 2017. Hopper und Joyce begeben sich auf die Suche nach den Kindern. At the hospital, Lucas distracts Max in order for Mike to make amends with El.

Sensing El’s presence, Billy suddenly turned toward her direction and disappeared.

Er entscheidet den Kampf für sich, befindet sich anschließend aber in einem Bereich, den er nicht mehr verlassen kann, wenn Joyce die Anlage abschalten soll. Sie kann zusammen mit Hopper in die Dimension eindringen und Will befreien. Hopper und Joyce gelingt es durch die Hilfe von Dustins Freundin Suzie, bis zur Anlage durchzukommen, dort wird Hopper aber von einem Russen angegriffen. I disliked her instantly when she was introduced in season 2, but season 3 is where she really crosses the line multiple times.Thank you, I've been looking for someone who shares my sentiment for 30 minutes.

At the The girls awoke the next morning to Mike, Lucas, and Will calling them about a code red situation.

As Billy beats up Steve, Max goes up to stand up to her brother as Lucas watches with worry, but he becomes shocked as she threatens and orders him to leave her and her friends alone. We didn’t have evidence that she had any bond with the party other than Eleven (and a very nominal connection to Lucas). As Max helped the boys look for D'Artaganan, she met Mike in the gym, where she confronted his behavior towards her, where she tried to convince him to let her join the party as their “zoomer” by performing some skateboard tricks.. Unbeknownst to her, When Will had suddenly gone missing, Max searched for him with Dustin where she met Will's mother, When Max became tired of being excluded from the Party, Lucas met her at the arcade.

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