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P.S. There are many third party promise libraries available for JavaScript and even the standard library contains a promise implementation in newer versions of browsers and node/io.js. This tech talk covers some of the best methods the library has to offer and shows how you can start using them right now.

: I know that bluebird itself is built for browsers using browserify: this build is properly tested.

TypeScript refuses to redefine Promise.If you want it to look more "typescripty", you can do: import * as Promise from 'bluebird'; This works in Typescript 2. How to use Markov Chains in Natural Language GenerationGoing native with Electron: How to write cross-platform apps without learning Java/XCode/C++? }) .then(function(cursor) { Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine.

Our example will first establish a connection to the "Employee collection" in the "EmployeeDB" database.

}); K7 was the first successful jet-powered hydroplane, and was considered revolutionary when launched in January 1955. Node.js does not itself provide a promise interface to the built-in modules that do async IO like the fs module. 2) Is there more elegant solution to use bluebird-q in browser without browserify? The strongest feature of Bluebird is that it allows you to "promisify" other Node modules in order to use them asynchronously.

I agree to be contacted by Fullstack Academy via phone, email, and/or text message. Am I correct? The framework can easily be...What is Node.js? I just don't get it. Of course you could use hacks like monkey patching or domains but these break down when something can't be monkey patched or new apis are introduced.

Years of experience If you want to load something synchronously, then you have to use either a