And if so, is a comma always required before “with” in similar constructions? For more details, review our Privacy Policy.The different usages of “along” and how to punctuate them It is my utmost pleasure to share with all of you guys what I know about languages and linguistics in general.You can unsubscribe anytime. Notice the difference in the following two sentences. When you are unsure, it is better to omit the comma as its absence improves readability. Restrictive clauses can't be removed from a sentence without altering the meaning.The answer is FALSE. Show us what research you've done and post some specific examples that confuse you. punctuation commas when. Science and sorcery collide in an irreverent fantasy romp that asks all the important questions like, “Who the hell set the school on fire?”Fundraiser to cover the monthly server costs for the forum.The event's not until March 17, but with the Hall of Fame inductions and many other specialized events taking place, the competitors are already champing at the bit.​The event's not until March 17, but with the Hall of Fame inductions and many other specialized events taking place, the competitors are already champing at the bit.​The reason your example differs is that it is an adverbial clause followed by the action it modifies.I agree. When are there exceptions for not using a comma before “with”? 113 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges.

Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including If it’s asking a question, the only way you would need a comma before “who” is if there is a phrase or clause coming before it. It must have both a subject and a verb. if you removed the commas, you'd have "The kid with casual aplomb threw a dagger at me." Commas before as can be more tricky. On the other hand, it can be part of the phrase “along with.”When “along” is used as a preposition, it is used to indicate movement on or beside a line. It only takes a minute to sign up.When is correct to use a comma before when?

plods along the razor’s edge between glory and disaster. A nonrestrictive modifying clause is a phrase that adds nonessential information to a sentence without altering its meaning. An independent clause is a phrase that expresses a complete thought.

When is correct to use a comma before when? It sound like there was a second kid there who didn't have casual aplomb, and who left her dagger in its sheath. English Language & Usage Meta It’s me, Marcel. “Who” can be either a relative pronoun or an interrogative pronoun. Different languages have different rules about how to use commas. It’s normally set off from the rest of a sentence with commas. (You could actually turn this into two sentences with the second starting, "A time..."] You can’t say, “the tree along the river.” Rather, if you want to talk about a single tree, you would say, “the tree by the river.”The reason for this is that “along” gives us an idea of both the relation of the trees to the river and the relation of the trees to each other.Put differently, it paints a picture of the trees lying all on the same line, the line that runs along the river bank.The second thing to notice here is that unless you useUnlike adverbial phrases, you don’t get a lot of free choice when it comes to placing an adjective phrase within a sentence.This type of “along” starts a prepositional phrase that can act either as an adverbial phrase or an adjective phrase.When behaving as an adverbial phrase, it is subject to the same rules that apply to all adverbial phrases.This means that if “along” comes at the end of a sentence, then you don’t need any punctuation.If it comes at the beginning of a sentence, then you will need punctuation after the prepositional phrase.And, when the adverbial phrase comes in the middle of the Since “along the main road” comes after the main clause, there is no need for a comma before it.Additionally, there is another prepositional phrase that also acts as an adverbial phrase in the above sentence, the phrase “to school.”Seeing as “along the battle line” comes at the beginning of the above sentence, you should place a comma after it.Additionally, it is easy to confuse the adverbial phrase “along the bridge” for an adjective phrase.You see, without the commas, the sentence would look like this “The men along the bridge marched”, and it would mean that the men who were on the bridge started to march.They might have marched in any direction or even stayed on the bridge. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. If the "with" phrase is meant as parenthetical (something that could be put in parentheses), then it could take a comma. Examples of the comma before and, so, yet and or. Commas Before And are used primarily in two specific situations: 1. I remember a purer time in my life, when hanging out with the cool kids was just a dream. Commas are needed before coordinating conjunctions, after dependent clauses (when they precede independent clauses), and to set off appositives. idea might just change the world and make him rich, provided he doesn’t melt his own face off in the process. This preposition is used to mention other things or people who were involved in a particular action or event.Hey fellow Linguaholics! Is it grammatically correct to put a comma before "and"? Featured on Meta Main Takeaways: Place a comma before which when which precedes a nonrestrictive clause. Do not use a comma before 'which' if you could replace your 'which' with 'that.' The first is the action of remembering, where "I" am the subject, the second is dependent upon the first clause only for the subject "time in my life." Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us

It can also mean to bring someone with you or take them wherever you are going.One of the things to notice here is that “along” the adverb rarely takes a noun after it.You might have noticed that there is a comma after “along” in the above sentence.However, that comma has nothing to do with the word “along.” Instead, it used to demarcate the relative clause “when the car came along” and separate it from the main clause.As you may have noticed, this type of word doesn’t need any commas, and should a comma be used, it will be due to the sentence structure itself There are two ways “along” can act as a preposition.

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